Over-Population Of Dogs Has Led To A Rise In Neglect And Cruelty

An emergency appeal has been launched.

One animal charity has noticed a spike in cruelty and neglect cases against dogs because of an over-population.

In response, the ISPCA has launched an emergency appeal for donations and rescue families to adopt a pup.

It says its four shelters in Wicklow, Donegal, Longford and Mallow are full, so it's having to rent kennel spaces.

Pete the Vet says the over-population has had devastating effects on the charity's resources:

CEO, Dr Cyril O’Sullivan, says it badly needs donations to help these pups:

The ISPCA’s National Lead for Animal Welfare, Denise McCauseland has noticed worrying trends from inspectors reports:

Comedian and Broadcaster PJ Gallagher has called on people to adopt a dog - and says rescues are not "damaged":

The Charity’s emergency fundraising appeal is called Stop the Pain, and you can donate at ISPCA.ie

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