Vacant Buildings And Public Transport Improvements Targeted In Offaly Climate Action Plan

Offaly County Council is committing to reducing its own emissions by 51%.

Tackling derelict buildings, improving bus services and protecting biodiversity are some of the key targets outlined in a new Climate Action Plan for Offaly.

The local authority has published a five year plan, which will serve the county up to 2029.

The action plan says Offaly County Council will focus on six areas over the next five years, Governance and Leadership, Built Environment, Transport, Natural Environment and Green Infrastructure, Community Resillience and Transition, and Sustainability and Resource Management.

These highlight the need for the local authority to prioritise the likes of Just Transitition, continuing to retrofit the social housing stock and the delivery of the Grand Canal Greenway.

It also discusses the potential for a 'Climate Park' on Church Hill, which investigates biodiversity enhancement, community power, river park and a rain playground - a feasibility study on that is due to be delivered next year.

Tullamore features heavily as the county's Decarbonisation Zone, which Offaly County Council says will show leadership in promoting the Climate Action Plan.

The local authority has also pledged to reduce its own emissions by 51%, and increase energy efficiency by 50%.

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