Adult With Confirmed Measles Dies In Dublin Midlands Health Region

It represents the first case of the disease in Ireland this year.

An adult with confirmed measles has died in the Dublin and Midlands Health Region.

The HSE says it’s the first confirmed measles case in the country this year.

It says Public Health Teams, as well as the Measles National Incident Management Team, are taking all necessary actions in relation to the case.

The IMT was established in response to a recent rise in measles cases in the UK and Europe.

There were four reported cases of measles last year, two the year prior, none in 2021 and five in 2020.

There were no reported deaths in that time frame.

The HSE offers MMR vaccine to protect against measles to all children as part of its childhood immunisation schedule.

The symptoms of the disease include:

Cold-like symptoms such as aches and pains, a runny nose, sneezing and a cough

·       Sore red eyes that may be sensitive to light

·       A temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or above, which may reach around 40 degrees Celsius

·       Small greyish-white spots in your mouth

·       Loss of appetite

·       Tiredness, irritability and a general lack of energy

·       Rash, which usually appears on head and neck first and spreads to rest of body


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