Average Midlands Rent Over €900 - New RTB Report

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Both Laois and Offaly have seen a quarterly increase of 11% in rent.

The average cost of rent in the midlands is just over €900.

The latest Rent Index from the Residential Tenancies Board shows nationally, that figure is €1,300.

Existing tenants in the region are paying €902 on average every month for rent, while new tenants are hit with a significantly higher rate of €1,121.

Westmeath is the most expensive county in the midlands in terms of rental costs, with an average figure of €1,038.

That's followed very closely by €1,036 in Laois, and €961 in Offaly, both which have seen some of the highest quarterly increases in the country, at a rate of 11%, respectively.

Offaly is also home to the cheapest local electorate area in terms of rent - Birr offers new tenants a rate of €770.

The highest average rental price in the country for new tenants is in Dublin, where the figure is over €2,100, while Leitrim offers the cheapest rate of €879.

A row has broken out in the Dáil over a report that found rents increased by nearly 12 percent in a year.

The Residential Tenancies Board figures show the highest annual rise since it began counting in 2007.

Sinn Fein Finance Spokesperson Pearse Doherty labelled it "shocking" and said renters were being "fleeced."

In response, Tánaiste Michéal Martin accused Sinn Féin of not wanting affordable housing on certain sites:

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