Offaly Wind Farm Application To Be Submitted In 'Coming Months'

The plans are being opposed by a local community group.

A planning application for a controversial Offaly wind farm is due to be submitted in the coming months.

Bord na Móna will display the final layout of the 15-turbine Lemanaghan Wind Farm tomorrow evening at the Community Development Centre, in Ballycumber.

The project is being opposed by the Lemanaghan Bog Heritage and Conservation Group, which believes the land should be left untouched due to its archaeological history.

However, Bord na Móna says that heritage will be considered as part of its Environmental Impact Assessment Report, which will accompany the planning application.

In a statement to Midlands 103, a spokesperson from Bord na Móna says the project team and its community liaison officer have engaged with the local community:

"The project team has conducted a range of community engagement activity, including the creation of a dedicated project website and virtual consultation room, meetings with members of the local community and house visits to neighbouring residents. 

Engagement with the local community will continue throughout the development of the proposed wind farm."

Read moreControversial Offaly Wind Farm Plans On Show Next Week

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