Fine Gael reps will meet Eamon Ryan in two weeks time.
Fine Gael TDs and Senators will meet with the Transport Minister in relation to delayed road projects.
Among those discussed will be the upgrade to the N4 Mullingar to Roosky route, plans for which were shelved in February last year due to a shortage of capital funding.
The meeting on September 12th comes on the back of a motion put forward by Longford Senator Micheál Carrigy, who's been a long-standing campaigner for the development, before the Dáil recess.
He says he'll be insisting that funding be put in place:
Delays to a major midlands road upgrade are "inexcusable," according to a midlands government Junior Minister.
Longford Westmeath Fine Gael TD and Junior European Minister, Peter Burke, says if it's not upgraded, there'll be an under-spend in the Department of Transport: