FAI Commit To €1.5m Fund For Grassroots Game In New Three Year Strategy

They're calling on all factions within Irish football to make it successful.

FAI CEO Jonathan Hill has asked all factions within Irish football to make the aims of their Strategy document a reality. 

The document set forth the aim of introducing a coherent football pyramid, including the introduction of a third tier to the League of Ireland. 

The expansion of the women's game to 750 clubs is also among the document's key points. 

As are the senior men's and women's teams qualifying for their next major tournaments.  Hill said:

“We are delighted to make this announcement on the morning after the launch of our FAI Strategy 2022-2025 which mapped out our commitment to make Grassroots football as the heart of our game.

“The support of Government and Sport Ireland for Irish football has of course been significant in recent years and the €2m allocated in direct funding from the COVID-19 resilience funds is greatly appreciated.

“Now the Board have backed our strategy by agreeing to invest an extra €1.5m directly into the Grassroots game having listened closely to our stakeholders during the consultation period of the Strategy.

“The pandemic has presented many key challenges to our clubs and affiliates and we are working together now to address those issues. This new funding will be a major boost for those stakeholders.”

Grassroots Director Ger McDermott added: “This additional funding will, I am sure, allow our clubs and affiliates to recover quickly from the financial effects of COVID-19 and empower their plans for the future.

“The money will be allocated to projects that will make a big difference to growing Grassroots football in many of the areas that serve as the lifeblood of adult amateur and underage football across Ireland.

“Together with our Grassroots staff, I look forward to unveiling this extra FAI funding initiative to our clubs and affiliates and working with them to assist their applications for the Government COVID-19 funding.

“Details of that €2m funding application process will be announced shortly and we will then host a series of regional workshops to assist clubs and affiliates with the process.

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