Over 200 Midlands Artefatcs Currently In Possession Of The UK

Items such as bracelets and broaches still remain in Britain.

There are currently over 200 ancient artefacts from Westmeath in the possession of the UK. 

These items include bracelets, broaches and coins, with some artefacts dating back as far as 1400 BC. 

Independent councillor Paul Hogan wants to see the pieces of history returned to the county and put on display: 

In a response to Midlands 103, The National Museum  of Ireland said:

"The National Museum of Ireland has a close and constructive working relationship with our counterparts in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Many objects from Museums in the UK and further afield have been loaned to the National Museum of Ireland for exhibition and items from our collections in turn are on loan to Museums across the UK and beyond. Shared values in relation to the care of our cultural heritage ensure close cooperation between Museums globally, and such shared values facilitate the ongoing exchange of artefacts, ideas and research which in turn fosters a greater understanding of our respective histories, culture and traditions."


"The history of the acquisition of objects that now form part of Museum collections globally is complex and requires open and regular communication. Many objects that are contained within private collections or museum collections in the UK were acquired prior to our current legislation that protects the movement of certain cultural artefacts outside of Ireland.  The National Museum of Ireland will continue to develop relationships with Museums throughout the UK around our collections and programmes over the coming years."

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