Quality Farmland Becoming More Valuable

Land on the other end of the market is decreasing in value.

A price gap is widening in Ireland's farmland market. 

The annual land price report from the Irish Farmers Journal looks at who's buying where and how much they paid - and prices are up in Leinster and Munster, and falling across Connacht and Ulster. 

In the midlands, Westmeath leads the way with a 13% increase.

Laois has also seen a rise while the price of land has gone down slightly in Offaly.

The average land price is €11,925 per acre - which is down 3% on last year. 

The report's author, Paul Mooney, says the quality of land and farms on the market in the midlands dictated a lot of the price movement:

He also believes concern over nitrate rules is fueling farmer's demand for extra dairy land, to avoid cutting herd numbers:

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