New App to Help People Living With Cancer Connect

Photo Credit: Someone Like Me website

A Tullamore woman came up with the idea after losing her mother to cancer, and later being diagnosed herself.

A new app to help cancer patients connect with each other will be entering its first phase of testing early next year.

It's the brainchild of Tullamore's Vanessa Mooney, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019, only two months after her sister's diagnosis of lung cancer and a few years after losing their mother to the disease. 

'Someone Like Me' will allow people battling cancer connect with others going througha a similar experience. 

It will also have a login for family and friend of someone with cancer and offer podcasts with specialists to offer information and advice.

Ms Mooney says as both a family member and as someone who has been diagnosed, there is a massive gap need for something like this:

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